


大多数人进入护理行业的目的是通过提供出色的临床护理来触摸甚至拯救人们的生命. 仍然, 护士的能力取决于她们所知道的, which is why the field of nursing education is constantly looking for ways to train nurses more effectively.

主管, skilled nurses have a very real effect on patient outcomes in all types of healthcare environments. 而且因为bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全通常是第一批受益于人工智能等先进技术的行业之一, bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载已经开始看到人工智能对护理教育和其他医疗领域产生了重大影响.

就像bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载社会的许多方面一样, 人工智能有可能彻底改变学生的护理教育, 教练, 以及教育机构. 让bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载仔细看看人工智能将改变bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载教育和培训护士的方式的几个最重要的方式.

1. 人工智能强化课程发展

确保每一代护士都比上一代做好更充分的准备, ongoing evaluation of training programs is an essential part of nursing education. Because AI-assisted platforms can process huge amounts of information at lightning speed, 他们在发现知识缺口方面具有不可思议的潜力, 冗余, 或其他改善护理课程的机会. 在人工智能的帮助下分析课程可以帮助教材在快速发展的bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全行业中保持最新状态.

人工智能对教育工作者也有很多有用的应用. It has the potential to aid in developing lesson plans and test questions, and to provide significant time savings with grading assignments and other time-consuming tasks. 通过简化护理教育工作者的工作量, AI-enhanced platforms can give them more opportunities to build personal connections with their students.

2. 个性化学习和适应性评估

学习方式因人而异. 有些人通过倾听来吸收材料效果最好, while others need visual aids or hands-on experience to solidify certain concepts. 在任何教育环境中,最大的挑战之一是使材料适应不同的学习风格, 而人工智能辅助学习在这方面大有希望.

AI algorithms can help tailor educational content to individual students and their learning styles. 例如, 听觉型学习者可能会听口头解释, 当视觉学习者看到有用的信息图表时. 通过满足每个学生的学习需求, 这给了他们最好的机会来成功地记住这些材料. 毕竟, 当值班护士应对紧急情况时, it doesn’t matter how they learned which actions to take—just that they learned them in the first place!

在护理专业学生的整个学习过程中, AI-driven assessment platforms can also offer real-time feedback during assignments, 小测验, 或测试. 这对帮助学生掌握材料非常有用, as they receive tailored guidance while the subject is still top-of-mind, rather than waiting until their assignment is graded by an overworked instructor. 因为发现模式是人工智能最大的优势之一, 它可以帮助学生发现他们遇到的困难, and connect them with the tutoring or study resources they need to stay on track.

3. 模拟和虚拟现实(VR)培训

When it comes to staying calm in a challenging situation, there’s no substitute for experience. 在他们的教育过程中遇到现实的临床场景,使新培训的护士在真正的病人护理环境中工作时能够承受压力.

Immersive simulations are very effective in honing hands-on skills and clinical decision-making, and AI has the potential to make training platforms even more advantageous for nursing students. 人工智能与虚拟现实技术完美结合,将护理学生置于一个可信的临床环境中——与可能焦虑的患者在一起, 在痛苦中, 甚至没有反应. “Smart” manikins are also becoming increasingly common in nursing schools, with AI-powered communication simulators that provide a nuanced and interactive hands-on training experience.

人工智能平台可以在培训场景中引入新的变量和难度级别,以培养护士的技能, 本能, 以及临床推理能力. 人工智能还可以让护士接触到罕见的情况或并发症,否则她们可能要到职业生涯的几年后才会遇到. 在真实的模拟中进行培训,而不会让患者处于危险之中,这有助于护理学生建立信心和情绪弹性,并为他们在有监督的临床轮转中取得成功做好准备.


4. 学生成功的预测分析

无论是由于生活环境还是学业困难, many students with the potential to become great nurses need a little extra support during their education. 人工智能预测分析平台可以帮助识别可能面临退学风险的学生,并为他们提供克服挑战所需的资源.

通过使用人工智能算法来分析出勤等数据点, 任务的参与, 以及获得辅导资源, educational institutions can provide non-judgmental interventions that help students stay on track. 有时, 与值得信赖的老师或学术顾问进行一次对话,就能提醒别人他们还有选择, and AI-assisted analytics can enable proactive outreach to students who might never ask for help otherwise.

教育机构使用分析来保持学生参与实现他们的目标,经历了更高的毕业率和提高的学生保留率. 通过最新的学习技术,让护理专业的学生获得成功,不仅创造了改变生活的职业机会, it’s a critical part of addressing the ongoing healthcare staffing shortage.

5. 临床决策支持中的人工智能

临床决定是在考虑所有可用数据后做出的, 人工智能有可能通过分析大量患者信息,帮助护士做出更明智的护理决策. AI-assisted clinical decision support systems have the potential to recommend next steps, 计算病人病情恶化的几率, 或者提供有关安全问题的信息.

的se insights can help nurses develop their clinical decision-making skills, 学会把各种指标之间的点联系起来, 减少用药错误的风险, 误诊, 或其他可能危及患者安全的常见错误. 人工智能平台还可以整合诊断和成像数据,帮助bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全提供者更轻松地发现病理.

人工智能无法取代专业知识, 本能, 经验丰富的护士的观察能力. 但它可以为他们提供强大的工具来帮助保护患者,并维持一个安全高效的护理环境. 随着技术的发展, 人工智能和机器学习平台不断为bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全组织提供新方法,以改善患者的治疗效果,并更好地支持其护理人员.


While AI has many fascinating potential applications for nurses and nursing students, 它并非没有挑战和担忧. 人工智能在护理教育和一般bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全中的应用引发了一些重要的伦理问题,如果bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载希望实现真正的健康公平,就必须解决这些问题.

人工智能算法是由人类训练和编程的, 谁会受到各种形式的有意识和无意识的偏见的影响. 没有足够的监督, 这可能会导致边缘化群体经历人工智能平台的类似偏见,就像他们在当前的护理环境中经常经历的那样. 随着人工智能在bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全领域的应用数量和范围的增加, bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载必须采取有意的措施,确保新兴的人工智能技术使用的算法尽可能具有包容性和文化意识.

因为人工智能算法是使用大量数据训练的, 对敏感健康数据的隐私担忧也开始发挥作用. AI platforms should only be trained using data provided with patients’ consent for that specific purpose. 就像所有先进的技术一样, 透明度,  问责制, 专家监督对于确保道德标准跟上最新的发展和应用至关重要.

Because AI is an emerging tech, it’s not yet well-regulated by governments or health organizations. While regulatory policies are likely to emerge as AI becomes increasingly widespread, it’s important that they’re created with the best interest of patients and the general public in mind.



随着人工智能变得更加强大和训练有素, it’s all but certain to revolutionize the healthcare industry in the coming years. 从微调的课程和个性化的学习经验到现实的模拟和有用的临床工具, 人工智能有可能帮助未来几代护士更有效地培训,并提供更高质量的患者护理.

如果你想从事护理工作, 选择一个能给你技能和信心来适应快速发展的bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全技术的教育项目是很重要的. 的 在bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全获得护理学学士学位 is designed to set you up for success in modern healthcare environments, with immersive VR training tools that prepare you for real clinical encounters.

寻找更多关于注册护士职业的信息? 学习 如何成为注册护士,或探索其中潜在的专业 收入最高的护理工作.